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Secure your travel with the best Insure Horizons

Travelling is not just escaping from the stressful life, it is a lot more about learning new things. Travelling teaches us a lot and people often travel to explore new places to learn new things. The most important thing is that you travel with complete peace of mind and Insure Horizon is the place which […]

Types of Health Insurance available for international students in Canada

As we all know that Canada is a hub of international students as it provides a good education facility. But as international students don’t pay tax to the Canadian government, they are the beneficiary of free medicare in Canada. So here comes the importance of taking health insurance while being an international student in Canada […]

6 Reasons Why You Should Invest In A Life Insurance.

Life is full of uncertainties, isn’t it? How can you make sure you or your family is protected if God forbid you come across an uncertainty or unexpected event? Have you given this a thought? The simple way to protect yourself from uncertain events or circumstances is to invest in life insurance. You should consult […]