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RESP Investment Account Canada


RESP Investment - Allow Your Child To Dream Big

RESP, or Registered Education Savings Plan, is a long-term saving plan in Canada. If you are an adult or parent or grandparent, you can open RESP for yourself, your children or your grandchildren, respectively. Once your child completes high school, they can avail the benefits of RESP for their further education. This saving plan allows you to save for your child’s education and help them with their higher studies.
RESP provides many benefits, such as coverage of educational expenses, including transportation, books, tuition fees, rent, and tools. These benefits vary depending on your Canadian Province. For instance, provinces such as Quebec and British Columbia offer additional benefits. Want to know what more RESP investment plan entails? Contact Insure Horizons and get guidance from our expert professionals.

Insure Horizon’s RESP Investment Plan - Investment That Grows With You

RESP is a popular long-term saving plan in Canada that allows people to save money for their children’s education once they complete their high school. It is also supported by the Canadian Government. The government contributes a small amount for children below 18 years of age. The earnings that are invested in RESP are tax-free. You only need to pay tax when you withdraw the full amount. RESP Investment is very beneficial for your children, as RESP covers various costs incurred on education, which include tuition fees, housing, transportation, etc.
Contact Us, Insure Horizons, to know more about RESP and learn how you can benefit from this investment.