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6 Reasons Behind Your Travel Insurance Claim Rejection

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    Top 6 Reasons Your Travel Insurance Claim Was Rejected

    6 Reasons Behind Your Travel Insurance Claim Rejection


    When you are preparing for a long vacation, chances are that you might have been advised to invest in travel insurance. One might even have taken the advice through and invested in one. However, it is important to acknowledge that insurance companies can thoroughly reject any claim they want. If you have received a claim rejection, it can be for numerous reasons. It can be confusing to receive a rejection without knowing the reason behind it. At Insure Horizon, we not only explain what could be the reason, but we also make certain that none of our client’s claim appeals has anything that could lead to rejection.

    Some of the reasons that could be behind your claim rejection could be as follows:

    Lacking Proof 

    One of the major reasons why a claim is rejected is the lack of proof attached to the application. One needs to make certain that they are able to attach as much proof as possible to increase and enhance the possibility of receiving approval on their claim. If you are filing for lost baggage, you need to attach a lost report. If you have lost valuables on the trip as a result of circumstances beyond your control, you need to make certain that you are attaching the estimated value of your valuables alongside a verifiable report of an official complaint of the same. 

    Unannounced Underlying Medical Conditions 

    Your travel insurance provider might also reject the claim if you fail to disclose that you suffer from an underlying chronic condition. If you do not inform your insurance provider about your medical illness, terminal or chronic, you cannot seek claims for any treatment you might have accessed during the same. 

    Involving Yourself in Risky Activities 

    Certain insurance policies will not cover the claims if you get injured during what they may deem a “risky activity.” Although this might differ in each insurance policy, you might want to make certain that your insurance coverage covers all the activities equally. If you plan to ski or surf, it is important to make certain that your insurance policy covers that comprehensively in order to make certain. 

    Injuries Under the Effect of Alcohol 

    Insurance companies can also reject your claim if you were considerably inebriated when you sustained an injury. Most insurance companies have an “alcohol exclusion” clause, which they can use to reject your claims for medical bills. 

    Filling the Claim Late 

    If you file the claims weeks after your trip has ended, your insurance company is well within its right to reject your claim. If there is anything you need to file a claim for, it is better to do it, as soon as possible. 

    No Claim for Routine Healthcare Procedures 

    This goes without saying, but you cannot claim your travel insurance for any regular health care procedures and checkups. Your travel insurance will only cover the cost of a medical emergency if something goes wrong during your trip – not before or after it. 

    It can be a disheartening reality to face a denial or rejection when you do not even realise what went wrong. An insurance company can truly reject your appeal for any reason. With the help of experts of Insure Horizons, you will be able to make certain that you understand the risks of filing a claim and the reasons that it might be rejected. Alternatively, our team can also make sure that they can file the claim application on your behalf to prevent any mistakes in the process. 

    A travel insurance claim might be rejected for several reasons. From making certain that you are filing your claim in time to ensuring that you are attaching enough proof to boost your claim’s validity, our team will ensure that your claim application is approved in a timely fashion.